On this week’s episode, I tell Russ the case of Paul Stephani a.k.a The Weepy Voice Killer. I’m always surprised at how little attention this serial killer got compared to the other ones. He was brutal. He was also supposedly remorseful for his crimes and claimed he really wanted to be stopped. Listen to hear how Russ reacts to this one... I’m sure if you’ve been in the Wife of Crime Family for a while you already know Russ is not the one to give a lot of sympathy... especially to a level 10 POS serial killer! Moral of this story... crying crocodile tears makes no difference when you’re scrum bag.
Paul Michael Stephani
Karen Potak
Kimberly Compton
Barbara Simmons
Denies Williams a.k.a The OG
The car after he attacked Denise and she hit him in the head with the bottle
Paul after he was arrested for attempted murder
In case you want to hear this weepy voice asshole again....